St Barnabas Northolt Park

The Fairway, Northolt, Middlesex, UB5 4SX

Links with Friends and Neighbours

For us, links with our friends and neighbours extends far beyond the Church family and Parish boundaries. 

Alma is the partnership between the Anglican Church in Angola, London and Mozambique. At St Barnabas we are keen to link with a parish within this partnership and seek to support the valuable work of this organisation through our Lent appeal and other activities. Click on the link to find out more about this exciting venture.


We are a Fairtrade church
We are also supporters of Fair Trade, using fairtrade tea and coffee for our own refreshments.


Other local churches and the SING connection

We are fortunate to be surrounded by some fabulous Churches from various denominations with whom we have links, and many of whom are part of the "Soul in Northolt and Greenford".


  • Join us for our regular Sunday service
  • 10am lively mass with music

020 8423 3775
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