St Barnabas Northolt Park

The Fairway, Northolt, Middlesex, UB5 4SX


Church Family

Prayer Night

Drop by or stay for the whole time to pray at St Barnabas church!  

Everyone is welcome

Easter Services at St Barnabas


Monday  25th March 4.30pm Easter Unpacked

Children’s service retelling the Holy Week story


Tuesday 26th 7.30pm Stations of the Cross

A Journey in the Imagination into Jesus's final hours


Wednesday 27th 11.15am Mass and Coffee


Mundy Thursday 28th March 7.30pm Mass of the Last Supper

From breaking bread to being betrayed – recall the meal that was both the beginning of the end, and the beginning of the order that would come after.


Good Friday 29th March 11am Walk of Witness

Gather at the Clock Tower in Northolt Village to join with Christians from other local churches.


Good Friday 3pm At The Cross

People have found this service moves them to tears as we remember the pain of Jesus's death for us


Holy Saturday 7.30pm Easter Vigil and First Mass of Easter

followed by sparkling wine and chocolate as we celebrate the bursting from the tomb


Easter Sunday 31st March 10am Family Mass followed by children's Easter Egg hunt

Our Toddler Group is re-opening

Thursday 1st of February at 10am sees the launch of our Toddler Group. This was extremely popular before the pandemic, with many parents and children coming along each week. The reason for taking so long to reopen it has not been a lack of demand but that it has taken us until now to find an appropriate volunteer to lead it.

We are very grateful to Jessica Richards for taking on this task

Our Regular Sunday Services

We welcome you to visit us - Sunday Mornings at 10am for a friendly lively mass with singing.


Midweek Communion Services

Every Wednesday 11.15am- Mass and Coffee.

Wednesday Service Details


We have Children's work ("Sunday School") on the Second and Forth Sunday of the month and on occasional extra Sundays. At the moment, we sing with recorded backing music 3 Sundays a month and have live music one Sunday a month and on special occasions. We would very much like to increase this, so if you happen to play an instrument and would like to join us, please get in touch....


Please click on the links below for -

Our detailed safeguarding policy

code of conduct

procedures for dealing with allegations of abuse

safer recruitment

hire of church hall and church premises




  • Join us for our regular Sunday service
  • 10am lively mass with music

020 8423 3775
Email Us