St Barnabas Northolt Park

The Fairway, Northolt, Middlesex, UB5 4SX

The Money We Receive

It may help you to understand a little more about where our money comes from and how we use the money we receive. 


Where does our money comes from?

Planned giving and hall lettings make up the majority of our income, with other funds coming from unplanned donations, property rent and Gift Aid on planned giving.


How we use the money we receive?

Stewardship isn’t just about giving; it is also about using wisely.  Each year churches pay into the Diocese Common Fund and much of our income goes to paying towards having a vicar at St Barnabas.  At present we are subsidised by the generosity of other ordinary Christians in other Churches to meet our full costs.  Our challenge is to move towards becoming financially independent.

The rest of the money we receive pays for the running of St Barnabas, including heating, lighting, children’s and youth work, resources for services, administration, maintenance of the building, and all other activities such as our community fun day. 

We are excited by all that we hope to do in the future.  For our hopes to become a reality we need to be able to pay for them.

  • Join us for our regular Sunday service
  • 10am lively mass with music

020 8423 3775
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